167 bce造句


  1. In 167 BCE Judea was part of the Seleucid Empire.
  2. Again, Dodona was destroyed in 167 BCE during the Roamn conquest.
  3. Both 1 and 2 Maccabees suggest that Judas Maccabeus ( around 167 BCE ) also collected sacred books (,, ).
  4. While Antiochus was occupied in the east during 167 BCE, a rural priest, Mattathias of Modiin, raised a rebellion against the empire.
  5. Then, in 167 BCE, the Seleucid king Antiochus IV invaded Judea, entered the Temple, and stripped it of money and ceremonial objects.
  6. It's difficult to find 167 bce in a sentence. 用167 bce造句挺难的
  7. One of the earliest anti-Jewish edicts, promulgated by Antiochus IV Epiphanes in about 170 167 BCE, sparked a revolt of the Maccabees in Judea.
  8. In 167 BCE, Dodona was destroyed by the Pausanias visited Dodona in the 2nd century CE, the sacred grove had been reduced to a single oak.
  9. One of the earliest anti-Jewish edicts, promulgated by Antiochus Epiphanes in about 170 & ndash; 167 BCE, sparked a revolt of the Maccabees in Judea.
  10. Methymna remained loyal to Rome during the Macedonian War, and in 167 BCE it was rewarded when the Romans punished neighbouring Antissa for disloyalty and transferred its territory to Methymna.
  11. This included tattooing the face, cutting off the nose, castration, and amputation of one or both feet, yet by 167 BCE these were abolished in favor of lengthy floggings with the bastinado.
  12. The ensuing revolt by the Jews ( 167 BCE ) began a period of Jewish independence potentiated by the steady collapse of the Seleucid Empire under attacks from the rising powers of the Roman Republic and the Parthian Empire.
  13. First Enoch is an apocalyptic response to the persecutions under Seleucid Emperor Antiochus IV . In 167 BCE, Emperor Antiochus returned from fighting in Egypt to quell a revolt in Jerusalem led by Jason, the former High Priest.
  14. Another similar Roman story in which Valerius writes about compassion is where the Senate sent a quaestor to Alba ( in Latium ) in 167 BCE . There King Perseus of Macedonia was banished to and had just died there.
  15. Tensions were exacerbated by Antiochus'edicts against the Jewish faith, especially those introducing idol worship in the Temple and banning circumcision, and in 167 BCE a rural priest, Mattathias of Modiin, led a rebellion against the Seleucid Empire.
  16. Around 167 BCE, for reasons that remain obscure, the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to suppress Jewish worship; this provoked a Jewish revolt ( the Maccabean Revolt ) that eventually led to the effective end of Greek control over Jerusalem.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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